菜鸟小说 > 总裁的替身前妻 > 章节_468
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wherever you are

i believe

that the heart does go on

once more you open the door

and youre here i

a will go on and on

love toue

and last for a lifetime

a go till were one

love was when i loved you

oime i hold to

in my life well always go on

youre here

theres nothing i fear

and i know

that my heart will go on

well stay forever this way

you are safe i

a will go on and on

墨小白的音质属于那种华丽性格的音质,特别适合唱情歌,他在好莱坞的时候常和一帮影视圈的朋友一起唱k,他一个业余的唱情歌丝毫没有比专业的差,朋友们都送他一个情歌王子的称号。特别是唱起 my heart will go on更见真情。悠扬婉转,凄美动人,歌曲的旋律从最初的平缓到激烈,缠绵悱恻,一直到最后的荡气回肠,整个氛围都笼罩着浓浓的哀伤。




就如歌曲所说的一般,my heart will go on。这种爱,永无止境。



i swear

i swear ,by the moon and star in the sky,

ill be there。

like the shadow thats by your side,

ill be here。

for better or worse。

just death do us part。

ill love you with every beat of my heart。

and i swear,

i see ion in your eyes,

i know whats weighing o

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